Practice News

Launch of POP Brixton

Recent News

May 2015

Squire and Partners attended the launch of POP Brixton on 30/31 May. Created from a series of stacked shipping containers set around a central ‘Greenhouse’ space, the units provide space for local start-ups, small businesses, creative and community organisations to share space, skills and ideas.

Externally the units are treated with strips of pattern by local designers Eley Kishimoto to create a vibrant street frontage which changes as you travel around the site perimeter.

POP Brixton is a partnership between Lambeth Council, which is providing the land at no cost, and local architect Carl Turner and developers The Collective.

Squire and Partners are part of the RIBA Architecture Open exhibition, launching at POP Brixton on Friday 5 July as part of London Festival of Architecture 2015.