Lantern's Court Affordable Housing – Squire & Partners


Lantern's Court Affordable Housing

Tower Hamlets, London

The residential scheme at Lantern’s Court is just a few hundred metres from Canary Wharf, and marks the border between Victorian terraces to the south east and the former industrial dock.

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The residential scheme at Lantern’s Court is just a few hundred metres from Canary Wharf, and marks the border between Victorian terraces to the south east and the former industrial dock.

The division of the site, together with local housing needs, determined the logical position, geometry and massing of the affordable component of the scheme - a row of low level modern terraced housing along the southern boundary, which emphasised the directional axis through the site’s centre, and responded to the rhythm and scale of the existing townhouses along Mellish Street.

There are 19 five bedroom houses over three stories with private gardens, together with three bedroom, self-contained duplex units above. The family houses are accessed from the central vista and the units above from a high level corridor. The remaining affordable provision is located along the eastern boundary, fronting Millharbour, accommodating 64 mixed one, two and three bedroom flats within an 8 storey block.

Project team

Client City & Docklands

Planning Consultant RPS Planning Consultants
Services Ramboll UK
Structure Ramboll UK
Photography Will Pryce



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